Fantastic Support From Country Style Foods
Fantastic Support From Country Style Foods
Countrystyle Foods
Countrystyle Foods
Donation Amount:
Donation Amount:

We were honoured to have been invited to attend the Christmas lunch at Country Style Foods on the trading estate last month where acting Chair Ann Short and Vice-Chair Rowena Ridgewell were presented with a cheque for £10,077.52 by Site Manager Brian Douglas and Human Resources Manager Magda Ciszewska.
The money was raised during 2024 from a number of activities by staff at the factory with 900 raffle tickets sold offering 20 great prizes. At 3 coffee mornings 70 cakes were baked …and eaten. Also 3 Supermarkets bucket collections were held plus 50 miles completed on the stationary bike challenge.Also a walking marathon, over 1200 miles of walking, running, cycling challenges by 180 Country Style Foods colleagues.
Brian says “We were all dedicated to this local worthy cause to raise the total of £10,077.52. Berwick Cancer cars we are delighted to support you this year again!”
Country Style Foods took over the former Jus-Rol site in 2016 and and nationally they produce bread, cakes and baked goods, supplying in-store bakeries of major retailers and food service companies.
Thank you once again for your fantastic support!.