Berwick Pool League Present £500 to Berwick Cancer Cars
Berwick Pool League Present £500 to Berwick Cancer Cars
Berwick Pool League
Berwick Pool League
Donation Amount:
Donation Amount:

Many thanks to the Berwick Pool League committee who so generously donated £500. The presentation was made at their end of season celebration evening on Friday 13th May at the Tweedmouth Bowling Club. We are grateful to all the teams and players of the Angel, Albion, Kings Head, Northern View, Blenheim, Black and Gold, Free Trade, Magdalene Fields Golf Club, Red Lion Berwick, Red Lion Spittal, Thatch and Tweedmouth Bowling Club, and everyone involved for their kind support and for choosing Berwick Cancer Cars as their charity recipient.
Pictured alongside Berwick Cancer Cars volunteers are; Iain, Proprietor Kings Head, Martin Johnson, event compère and Brian Hossack, A1 Cabs. Pictured representing the Cars were; Secretary, Shona McClymont, Media/Driver, Roger Peaple, Treasurer, David Cowan and Fundraising Coordinator, Jo Cowan.