Holy Trinity First School “Sponsored Silence” Raises £833.90
Holy Trinity First School “Sponsored Silence” Raises £833.90
Holy Trinity First School, Berwick upon Tweed
Holy Trinity First School, Berwick upon Tweed
Donation Amount:
Donation Amount:

The children in Year 3 at Holy Trinity First School organised a sponsored silence event as part of their Young Leaders’ Award. They focused on utilising a wide range of skills including perseverance and team work, completing a range of team building activities in preparation. All the children achieved their target of one hour of silence and in doing so raised a whopping £833.80!
Their class teacher was extremely impressed with each and every one in her class. The class presented a cheque to Kate and Rowena from the Berwick Cancer Cars Committee and were delighted to give a performance of their Madness themed dance for their end of year show at the Maltings.
Our huge thanks to the staff and Class 4 pupils at the Holy Trinity First School for their super fundraising achievement in aid of our Cars …we’re not sure how many of us grown ups could keep silent for an hour, well done Class 4 !!