Caitlin Baptie Crowned Tweedmouth Salmon Queen

Thursday 21st July 2022
Our congratulations to this year’s 2022 Tweedmouth Salmon Queen, Caitlin Baptie. Over the years Caitlin has been an amazing friend and fundraiser for Berwick Cancer Cars and we’re honoured and delighted that she has chosen our Cars as her nominated charity. Caitlin, who is also a recipient of a ‘Commanders Compliment for Bravery and Kindness’ from Northumbria Police, has previously organised a hugely successful fundraising coffee morning, fundraising bingo and took part in the 2021 Junior Great North Run all in aid of our Cars. Caitlin has dedicated her fundraising in very special memory of her aunty Seline who we were proud to assist with our free hospital transport service for her cancer treatments, but who so very sadly lost her battle.
Caitlin and her attendants Zara Khan and Abbie Smith of Tweedmouth Community Middle School, Freya Patterson of Tweedmouth West First School and Halle Todd of Prior Park First School, journeyed from the Town Hall accompanied by the Berwick RBL Pipe Band. Mayor, Cllr Mike Greener, presented Caitlin with her crown at the official Queen’s Gardens ceremony.
All the volunteer team at the Berwick & District Cancer Support Group wish Caitlin every success with her exciting new role as Tweedmouth Salmon Queen.