Farewell But Not Goodbye

As well as being the last day of 2024 the 31st of December also marked Andrew Smith’s last official day as a volunteer with the Cancer Cars. We are glad however that his business Kreative Technology will continue to support the group’s IT needs and he will also be involved in the organisation of the runners supporting the Group in the Great North Run in 2025.
It’s fair to say he has been the face of the cars for a very long time having first becoming involved in 2004 and in that time has undertaken every role in the charity such as secretary, treasurer, coordinator, media representative, trustee, vice chair and chair – everything other than a driver!. In his spell as Chair the Group made substantial progress culminating in the securing of our permanent home at 8 Tweed Street.
A lasting legacy will be the fact that he was instrumental in moving us from a “kitchen-table” charity to a well-structured organisation with a sound future, including finding people to become Trustees, and moving to a management committee structure so that responsibilities and actions are shared amongst more people.
Anyone who knows Andrew will be well aware of his infectious enthusiasm for the charity and and also his cheeky humour which has served him well on many an occasion.
Another great skill Andrew had was recruiting so many people to become involved in the charity which has ensured that there is a wide variety of skills and knowledge which the Group can now call on.
It is probably impossible to estimate the amount of hours that Andrew dedicated to carrying out such a variety of tasks in the time he served with the Group but it’s fair to say that the value of them is incalculable and he always went above and beyond.
In 2023 Andrew was very honoured to have been nominated for The Lady Crossman Lifetime Achievement Award at the NNVF forum and just missed out coming in as runner up to Jane Pannell.
It’s difficult to sum his contribution in the few paragraphs above therefore I think it’s probably worth publishing the nomination submission to ensure Andrew’s contribution is fully recognised.
“Almost 20 years ago Andrew Smith attended a public meeting to discuss the future of Berwick and District Cancer Support Group and left finding he was their new secretary. Since then, Andrew has covered every role in the charity apart from driving. He has been secretary, treasurer, coordinator, media representative, trustee, vice chair and chair. Even listing these numerous roles does not fully, or adequately, cover what Andrew has achieved during his time at Berwick Cancer Cars. His obvious passion to help the community has at times effected the day-to-day running of his own business and his personal life. Andrew has, and continues to, willingly given an inordinate amount of time and energy to building the charity into one which has a huge positive impact on cancer sufferers and their families in Berwick and District.
Since joining the charity Andrew has become the driving force in building the fleet up to six cars with over 40 volunteer drivers, 4 coordinators, a very active and successful fund-raising committee and board of trustees. This has also increased the responsibility and workload for the running and funding of the charity all of which is overseen by Andrew.”
“Using his IT skills Andrew has built, at his own cost, a modern user-friendly website for both clients and volunteers. Additionally, he has steered the volunteers into using IT booking systems, accounting systems, Telematics, Whats App groups and digital training platforms to ensure the charity can meet NHS and Charity Commission requirements. Andrew is constantly looking for ways to run the charity as efficiently and cost effectively as possible and while admitting to being a computer geek, freely gives his time to upskilling the less IT literate of us! Andrew also helps other local charitable organisations, giving financial support and assistance with building and hosting their websites.
Andrew has taken responsibility for ensuring the charity is successful and runs efficiently, his working day often interrupted to solve problems, meet prospective volunteers or suppliers or attend presentations for Cancer Cars which means he often works into the early hours of the morning to finish his day job. He is well known and well respected locally which has had a huge influence in the help and support given to the charity.
Seven years ago, Andrew decided to enter the Great North run to raise funds for the Cancer Cars, persuading some of his family to join him. The following year he persuaded a few more people to run, organising their entries and transport. Each year the numbers have grown, this year there will be over 70 runners and we had a waiting list of runners wanting to take part in aid of Berwick Cancer Cars! (Andrew even organised a virtual GNR to maintain moral during lockdown). It has now grown to being an annual event and our single biggest annual fundraiser, with a programme of training runs and a presentation night which has made all the runners feel like part of a team. Organising this created another ‘job’ for Andrew and over the years has raised well in excess of £120,000 pounds in funds to maintain the fleet of cars.
The pandemic had a huge knock-on effect with NHS working frantically to catch up. To ensure driver and patient safety Andrew took advice from NHS and then persuaded a local business to make customised screens for the cars so the charity could safely start helping local people resume their cancer treatments. This was a time of great uncertainty for people and more so for vulnerable, cancer patients.
In 2022 after meeting with the representatives of the Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland the charity was awarded the Queens Award for Voluntary Services, the MBE for charitable organisations which Andrew is extremely proud of. The Lord Lieutenant could not believe she had not heard of the charity such is its impact in North Northumberland.
Alongside his Trustee colleagues, Andrew played an integral role coordinating the purchase of its headquarters in Tweed Street. The obvious pride he felt on the day our fleet of vehicles moved from operating out of the ASDA carpark for many years, into our new home in Tweed Street touched everyone. He also played a substantial role in establishing the premises, transformed with help of local businesses into a hub for the cars and volunteers and offers an opportunity to develop support services to cancer patients locally. In typical Andrew fashion the building was opened with the cars being piped up Tweed Street by Berwick Pipe Band. It was a very emotional day.”
“Andrew is a professional piper and often gives his services to local charities free of charge. He is a great friend to the Dementia Group and attends in full regalia for Burns, St Andrews and New Year celebrations, much to the delight of the members.
Andrew’s long service and commitment to the Berwick and District Cancer Support Group has been nothing short of extraordinary. His kindness, his generosity, his terrifically spirited and infectious energy, and his passion towards the Berwick and District community is almost unparalleled. Yet, selflessly, he has never sought personal gain or recognition for the good he has achieved in helping improve the lives of the many hundreds of people with cancer, and their loved ones. Andrew is a true, unsung, champion of the community, his tremendous efforts touching so many in Berwick and District and much further beyond.”
Check out a video of Andrew’s ever changing hairline here:

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