Going for the BIG crunch for Berwick Cancer Cars !
Going for the BIG crunch for Berwick Cancer Cars !
Tracey Usher
Tracey Usher
Donation Amount:
Still in progress
Donation Amount:
Still in progress

With the cancellation of so many fundraising opportunities and activities due to the Coronavirus pandemic, one of our supporters, Tracey Usher, decided to do her bit by taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to raise money to help support our Cars. Tracey’s (impressive !) aim is to do 260 sit-ups every day for 26 days… that’s a LOT of sit-ups : Six thousand seven hundred and sixty in fact !!
A big THANK YOU from all the team at Berwick Cancer Cars and wishing Tracey every success with her fundraising efforts. If you would like to support Tracey to help her reach her £260 Target, you can do so here : Tracey’s JustGiving Crowdfunding link