Laura’s Easter Raffle Raises £1000!
Laura’s Easter Raffle Raises £1000!
Laura Brown
Laura Brown
Donation Amount:
Donation Amount:

A heartfelt thank you to our very good friend and supporter Laura Brown who has raised a massive £1000 from her Easter Raffle. Laura started off her fundraiser with just four fantastically chocolatey ‘Cadbury Easter bouquets’, but thanks to the incredible generosity of family and friends the final number of prizes was twenty-four. Amazing!! Our thanks to ‘Mugs by Martin’ who donated four personalised mugs, Kirsti Crossan at ‘Cherry Tree Wax’ who donated four £10 gift vouchers, Shell Parlett at ‘Sweet Delights Bakery’ who donated a dozen Easter themed cupcakes, Anne Forbes who donated two beautiful Easter wreaths and a bottle of bubbly, Laura’s sister Lyn Colvine for donating LOTS of Easter goodies. Two final big thank yous; firstly to someone very close to Laura who made an anonymous donation of £300 and to Laura’s mum who donated £70 to take the grand total up to £1000. Both very special people.
Berwick Cancer Cars echo Laura’s words of thanks to all those who so generously supported and donated to help us : “We’ve smashed a target beyond anything I could have ever imagined. You guys are completely phenomenal. £1000!!!! I would never, ever have imagined it was even possible.”
Thank You to Laura and to everyone who took part in Laura’s fantastic Easter Fundraiser in aid of our Cars.