Magdalene Fields Golf Club – Ladies Team Donation
Magdalene Fields Golf Club – Ladies Team Donation
Magdalene Fields Golf Club Ladies
Magdalene Fields Golf Club Ladies
Donation Amount:
Donation Amount:

We were thrilled to receive a donation from the Club Women’s Captain June Rae and Vice Captain Marion Black for funds raised from their “Ladies Open Pairs 4 Ball Better Ball Stableford” event held on Sunday 26th June 2022, the Club Men very kindly assisted the fundraising by holding a raffle, which boosted the overall donation total to £200! Great support from our local golf club. Our volunteer team; Gillian Mitchell, Cancer Cars Vice-Chair, David Cowan, Treasurer and Joy Cowan, Fundraising Team Coordinator popped down to say “hello and thank you” and were absolutely delighted by June and Marion’s wonderful enthusiasm in being able to help our Cars.
A big thank you from all our team of volunteers to all those who took part in the event and for the Men’s great support in hosting the raffle. The results of the “Ladies Open Pairs 4BBB Stableford” event can be found here on the Magdalene Fields Golf Club website site :