Celebrating ‘Our’ Salmon Queen, Freya

Celebrating ‘Our’ Salmon Queen, Freya

Freya Weatherley-Ryan as Tweedmouth Salmon Queen 2019 and 2020

Freya Weatherley-Ryan as Tweedmouth Salmon Queen 2019 and 2020

Donation Amount:


Donation Amount:


Photo Courtesy of Dave Watson @ FOLDYARD

Tweedmouth Salmon Queen 2019 and 2020 –

Freya Weatherley-Ryan was crowned Tweedmouth Salmon Queen in 2019, retaining her reign the following year due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic which didn’t allow the 2020 ceremony to take place. We were so honoured when Freya nominated The Berwick & District Cancer Support Group as her chosen charity for 2019 and 2020. Yesterday, 22nd July, at the crowning ceremony for the 2021 Tweedmouth Salmon Queen as she handed over her crown to the new Salmon Queen, Freya presented our Treasurer, David Cowan, with a ‘cheque’ for £4513.56 being the total sum of money raised during her reing. Incredible!

This photo and main photo both courtesy of Dave Watson @ FOLDYARD and used with our thanks

The annual ceremony, dating back to 1292, sees Tweedmouth schools elect a Salmon Queen to mark the start of Salmon Week. To read more details on the rich and fascinating history of the Tweedmouth Salmon Queen click here for the Museums Northumberland website.

Freya’s Fundraising Achievements –

Throughout the length of her two year reign, Freya has worked tirelessly in her role as Salmon Queen and has arranged fantastic fundraising raffles and assisted with organising ‘lockdown bingo’ alongside our dear friend Carol Ditchfield who so sadly lost her battle with cancer. Freya has also braved the freezing North Sea at the annual Spittal Beach Boxing Day Dip (twice!!), has hurtled down a zip line and has jumped out of an airplane! All in aid of our Cars.

The support she has generated has been nothing short of phenomenal and in 2020 Freya was elected onto the Berwick Cancer Cars committee as its inaugural Youth Ambassador, to represent and give voice to our amazing and brave young supporters who do so much to help our Cars, and who themselves have been touched in some way by cancer.

The words of our Chair best sum up how very proud we all are of Freya’s achievements and of the incredible hard work she has undertaken as Salmon Queen to help our charity and the local community:

“Was an honour to be there Freya and to accept such an amazing amount of money for the cars was just phenomenal. You have been a credit to the traditions of The Crown and Tweedmouth Feast and of course the town and our wee Charity. Looking forward to lots more adventures in your role as Youth Ambassador. I bet your Mam and Dad are like us and beaming with pride.”

Andrew Smith, Chair, Berwick Cancer Cars

Freya Ryan - Youth Ambassador - Berwick Cancer Cars

Thank you Freya from all your fellow volunteers and friends at Berwick Cancer Cars
