Karen’s Fabulous Face Mask Fundraiser
Karen’s Fabulous Face Mask Fundraiser
Karen Edwards
Karen Edwards
Donation Amount:
Donation Amount:

We were contacted recently by Karen Edwards who decided to make a small dent in her big collection of fabric in aid of our Cars, and has been busily beavering away making face masks, selling them to family, friends and her work colleagues at Morrisons Berwick. To date Karen has made over 200 face masks, all by her own fair hand! In the process raising an amazing £400 for Berwick Cancer Cars.
UPDATE!!! We are thrilled to report the amazing Morrison’s Berwick Community Group have applied to Morrison’s Foundation to match Karen’s £400 donation.
Karen is also in the process of making us a double duvet cover to be used as a raffle prize for a future Berwick & District Cancer Support Group fundraising event – we were even allowed a sneaky pic preview and we can testify there’s certainly been a lot of very hard work gone into making it! We can’t wait to see the finished result and someone is going to be a very lucky winner.
We are very grateful to Karen, the Morrison’s Berwick Community Group and to all the fantastic supporters in Berwick & District for helping us keep our Cars running, as well as for the messages of encouragement we have been receiving throughout this particularly difficult time.
Thank You !!
Pictured with Karen (who is of course wearing one of her well-crafted, handmade creations) are representatives of our Cars, who met with her at her place of work to extend a huge, safe, thank you to Karen for her time, thoughtfulness and generosity.